
Business Capital Commercial Funding Financial Solutions

Experienced Strucutured Seasoned Group offering an array and diverse Optimization,Optimum,Optimal, & Maximum Option Solutions 

Back view of businessman with briefcase in abstract desert with creative business sketch. Career concept

Solution Service Selection Options to New Heights in the Business Commerce Marketplace Commercial Industries

Offering Today Some of the Most Diverse, Customized and Extensive Global Capital Commercial Funding Solution Services Options

Optimization=Optimum & Optimal Business Capital Funding Maximum Solution Service Options success results in a wide variety of customized capital funding program selection package selections service options for our clients everyday in the business marketplace industries nationally and globally.

Maximum Program Program Selection Services Options to new level heights for your business group entity(s) and/or organization(s):

  • Business lines of credit
  • Personal/Business investor(s) credit lines consolidation financial solutions
  • Business Financial Funding Capital Acquisition equity market growth(s) for expansion
    • Existing
    • New
      • Service markets or locations
  • Business expansion acquisition market(s)
  • Business diversification product retail growth(s):
    • Regional
    • National
    • International
  • Product-inventory order acquisition contract(s)
    • Existing business inventory order acquisition(s)
    • Expanding business inventory order acquisition(s)
  • Global International Commercial and Industrial Business Projects (minimum of $1,000,000.00 retail investment(s):
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Employee payroll for your business organization or business group entity projected future income(s):
    • Existing list
    • Expanding projection list
  • Expansion acquisition of production business market(s):
    • Existing order inventory order production delivery contract(s)
    • New Expanding order inventory order production delivery contract(s)
  • Expansion credit financial capital of new business/commercial investment property profit-asset center solution services
  • Premium lending financial funding capital solution service structures for existing or start-up business models.

The OptiMax WAY

Assisting our clients with the proper intake-forms to application form processes from beginning to the end in advising maximum business capital commercial funding financial solution service options for our clients everyday.

Advising individual custom format business optional maximum program package for the right business capital commercial funding financial solution service option plans to our existing clients:

Studying, analyzing, and optimizing assesment for global marketing plan presenstation reports. Trade and business analysis concept. Close up



  1. Personal-Business/Commercial Investor(s)
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  2. Personal Business/Commercial Organization Executives
    • Existing
    • New
  3. Commercial/Industrial Organization Business Executives
    • Existing
    • New
  4. Business-Commercial/Industrial Group Start-Up Clients
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
  5. Business-Commercial/Industrial Organization Group Clients
    • Local
    • Regional
    • National
    • Global
  6. Existing Business/Commercial/Industrial Business Project Clients
  7. Servicing Global Latin-Spanish Business/Industrial commerc marketplaces
    1. Business-Commercial/Industrial Credit lines
    2. Business-Commercial/Industrial Project(s)
      • Existing
      • New

Advising our clients with their Everyday Business/Commercial business investment options for Optimum & Optimal, Business Capital Commercial Funding Financial Maximum Solution Selection Service Option s with an array of selective capital solution program packages selection options from a variety of maximum customized financial capital funding product services today.

    Maximum Global Financial Capital Funding Soolution Option services available selections for our client business needs in today national and global markets in the industry.

    Answering with the right financial funding capital structure formats, diverse everyday financial funding capital program services for our clients and partners in their diverse:

  • Local
  • Regional
  • National
  • Global

for adapting to new capacity expansive markets for today and growth for tomorrow.